
The Omnipotence of God

Here's a word you don't hear in many modern worship songs: omnipotence. Have you read this word in a textbook? Yes. Have you talked about it in Sunday School? Probably. But let's be honest, omnipotence is not a word that has made its way into your everyday vocabulary. The ordinary Christian man is perhaps intellectually aware of the omnipotence of God, but this awareness hasn't proved to affect his day-to-day life. He is still stressed out over everything he must accomplish today, fully believing that if he doesn't hold it all together - everything will fall apart. This belief is a joy-killer. There is a better way.

Meditating on the omnipotence of God is a pathway to less stress and more joy.

The classic hymn, The Omnipotence of God, fills you with joy as you recall that the Lord Omnipotent is King! Meditating on this hymn is a spiritual exercise fit for any man who is stressed out and low on joy. The more aware you are of who God is the more joy and freedom you will have.


The Eternity of God


The Omnipresence and Omniscience of God